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Pacific Trails Case Study

Lesson 4 - Pacific Trails Case Study - Basic HTML

View the Lesson 4

Focus on Design

Lesson 5 - Focus on Design - Web Design Basics

View the Lesson 5

Final Project Purpose Statement

Lesson 6 - Purpose Statement

View the Purpose Statement

Pacific Trails Case Study

Lesson 7 - Pacific Trails Case Study - Adding CSS

View the Lesson 7

Pacific Trails Case Study

Lesson 8 - Pacific Trails Case Study - Web Graphics

View the Lesson 8

Pacific Trails Case Study

Lesson 9 - Chapter 6 - Pacific Trails Case Study - More CSS Basics

View the Lesson 9 - Chapter 6

Pacific Trails Case Study

Lesson 9 - Chapter 7 - Pacific Trails Case Study - Layout Basics

View the Lesson 9 - Chapter 7

Lesson 9 - Wireframe

Lesson 9 - Final Project Wireframe

View the Wireframe

Pacific Trails Case Study

Lesson 10 - Chapter 8 - Pacific Trails Case Study - Media Queries

View the Lesson 10 - Chapter 8

Pacific Trails Case Study

Lesson 10 - Chapter 9 - Pacific Trails Case Study - Tables

View the Lesson 10 - Chapter 9

Pacific Trails Case Study

Lesson 11 - Chapter 10 - Pacific Trails Case Study - Forms

View the Lesson 11 - Chapter 10

Fun with Multimedia

Lesson 14 - Multimedia Tags

View the Lesson 14

Final Project Website

Final Project

View the Final Project